Coco & Bella, Two Perfect Shih Tzu Hostesses for Hurricane Harvey Guests

by Tami
(Humble Texas)

I just need to brag for a minute about my girls. I'm sure everyone has heard about the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. Our dear friends lost their entire home and have been staying with us.

It's just me and my 2 girls and I was a bit scared how they would react to house guests with THREE Chihuahuas!

Let me say they have been the best hostesses...they share their toys, snacks, even their mommy... (well one a little more than the other).

I make sure that we have "our time" each day but all in all, I am so proud of their behavior.

Shih-tzu are the most fabulous breed in my opinion.

Janice Here from Miracle Shih Tzu

Thank you so much for sharing your heartwarming story about your girls. I'm sure you won't have many arguments here about whose the Most Fabulous Breed.

If anyone is wondering if a Shih Tzu dog can get along with other dogs...the answer is a resounding YES. Not only do they do great with people, big and small, but their hospitality extends to the canine world.

Do you agree?

And while I'm here I want to extend my thoughts and prayers to all victims of the recent storms, in Texas, Florida, The Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico,(and elsewhere) and for all the wonderful people like you, Tami who are sharing your home while people get back to a normal life again.

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