Oyr Prapso is now 8 and everyone loves him

by Steve

We have had Weechee since a puppy, he looked just like the rest of this litter,but he was more quiet and less fluffy around his eyes. He is a registered Shihtzu, but is often mistaken for a king Charles due the very short hair on the face.

I think he looks closer to the Japanese Chin with his colouring.

Temperate wise he is awesome, so laid back,and when he runs he bounds like a lamb, you can't help smiling as he looks so cute.

We had great difficulty training him though ,as he is stubborn as hell. He loves to sing and at doggie day care, his singing can prompt half the pack to start howling and singing to.

Hi, Janice Here from Miracle Shih Tzu
Hi Steve and thank you for sharing your beautiful Weechee with us. He looks so sweet but I guess that stubborn streak that all Shih Tzu dogs share has not been spared on the Prapso. Too bad!!

I agree that he looks a lot like a Japanese Chin but I also see a striking resemblance to a King Charles as well. Many people think they look like Pekingese, but unless you have that Peke coloring it is hard to see that in some.

Thanks again for sharing. He is adorable.

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Jan 06, 2019
Looks like my Bubba
by: Anonymous

I bought a Shih Tzu last Easter from a breeder that I did some extensive research on. I met him at 3 weeks old saw where he lived, met the parents (who are just like any other fluffy Shih Tzu we are used to).

He was normal weight and didn't have quite the snout at 3 weeks that Prapso's have. When he came home with us, he was a normal little Shih Tzu puppy. In about 3 more weeks it started to dawn on me that he wasn't going to look like my others.

Still he's a great little companion even if he is almost 20 pounds. Wouldn't trade him for anything. And he looks very similar to your dog.

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"Hi, I'm Janice Jones, a former veterinary technician and Shih Tzu expert with over 40 years of experience with the breed. Through Miracle Shih Tzu, I combine my medical background and extensive breed knowledge to provide reliable, practical advice for Shih Tzu owners. My mission is to help you give your Shih Tzu the happiest, healthiest life possible through evidence-based information and real-world solutions. Whether you're new to the breed or a seasoned owner, you'll find trusted guidance here for all aspects of Shih Tzu care.

I hold an undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in biology, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing, and a Master's in Mental Health Counseling.