Puppy Vomiting can be scary for the new pet owner.
But before you panic, consider the fact that the most common cause of vomiting is a puppy who has eaten something he should not have ingested.
However, there are real emergencies associated with vomiting, so no case should be taken lightly.
The list becomes extensive when you consider all the possibilities, but thankfully, in puppies it is usually a matter of some change in the diet. Dogs will vomit due to the following.
First, You should determine the cause of puppy vomiting.
Many simple cases of puppy vomiting can be solved by the puppy’s owner through close observation and thorough check of what the puppy was doing just prior to the vomiting episode. Often the color or type of the vomitus will give you a clue.
If your puppy throws up his food soon after a meal, he may be eating too quickly, eating too much or eating something that does not agree with him. Feed less and allow that to digest before completing the meal.
If there is food intolerance causing the vomiting, then the treatment is a little trickier. Food intolerance is different from a food allergy.
Allergies usually show up as skin problems. When a dog cannot tolerate a particular food, he is likely to vomit. Common culprits that are found in most dog foods include corn, wheat, soy, eggs, chicken, beef, fish, or lamb. The way to determine what might be causing the problem is to put the puppy on an elimination diet
Does the puppy vomit after exercise? It may be that the puppy is exercising too soon after mealtime. A simple remedy for this is to wait 20-30 minutes before any exercise or boisterous play.
A yellow or greenish substance without any traces of food is likely bile coming up. The cause is usually an empty stomach, however, in rare instances; it could be the result of intestinal infection. If this happens frequently, a change in the diet plan will likely resolve the problem.
If you are feeding once per day, feed twice a day. If your puppy is eating twice a day, go to feeding three times a day. If this does not resolve the vomiting problem, add a snack in between meals. You do not want to add more food to your dog’s stomach, just spread out what he is already eating.
First, You should determine the cause of puppy vomiting.
Many simple cases of puppy vomiting can be solved by the puppy’s owner through close observation and thorough check of what the puppy was doing just prior to the vomiting episode. Often the color or type of the vomitus will give you a clue.
If your puppy throws up his food soon after a meal, he may be eating too quickly, eating too much or eating something that does not agree with him. Feed less and allow that to digest before completing the meal.
If there is food intolerance causing the vomiting, then the treatment is a little trickier. Food intolerance is different from a food allergy.
Allergies usually show up as skin problems. When a dog cannot tolerate a particular food, he is likely to vomit. Common culprits that are found in most dog foods include corn, wheat, soy, eggs, chicken, beef, fish, or lamb. The way to determine what might be causing the problem is to put the puppy on an elimination diet
Does the puppy vomit after exercise? It may be that the puppy is exercising too soon after mealtime. A simple remedy for this is to wait 20-30 minutes before any exercise or boisterous play.
A yellow or greenish substance without any traces of food is likely bile coming up. The cause is usually an empty stomach, however, in rare instances; it could be the result of intestinal infection. If this happens frequently, a change in the diet plan will likely resolve the problem.
If you are feeding once per day, feed twice a day. If your puppy is eating twice a day, go to feeding three times a day. If this does not resolve the vomiting problem, add a snack in between meals.
You do not want to add more food to your dog’s stomach, just spread out what he is already eating.
If your puppy has thrown up more than once or twice or is showing other symptoms such as lethargy, crying, refusing food or water, sensitive to touch or to show signs of being in pain, appearing to have some abdominal bloating, pale, or is having difficulty breathing, a call to the vet is in order.
Projectile vomiting is never a good sign, nor is dry heaving, retching, or gagging and a call to the vet is important. If this is caused by intestinal blockage, help is needed immediately. Additionally, if you notice blood or any home remedies you have administered are not working.
If the puppy’s vomiting is more severe and you determine that a quick trip to the veterinary hospital is necessary, there are several things the veterinarian may do:
"Hi, I'm Janice Jones, a former veterinary technician and Shih Tzu expert with over 40 years of experience with the breed. Through Miracle Shih Tzu, I combine my medical background and extensive breed knowledge to provide reliable, practical advice for Shih Tzu owners. My mission is to help you give your Shih Tzu the happiest, healthiest life possible through evidence-based information and real-world solutions. Whether you're new to the breed or a seasoned owner, you'll find trusted guidance here for all aspects of Shih Tzu care.
I hold an undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in biology, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing, and a Master's in Mental Health Counseling.