by Janice Jones |Last updated 02-13-2020
This SBI Review is for anyone who might consider starting a new online business and I hope that is you.
I am going to discuss how you can be a successful solopreneur whether your interest is cats or dogs, or even chickens, fish, or rabbits. In fact, you can own your own business no matter where your passions lie.
This is NOT a Get Rich Quick (GRQ) scheme or a Make Money onLine (MML) like so many companies claim to offer. You can be sure I'd never lead you down that path. No, it is not Quick, and it is not Guaranteed. SBI warns its customers to spot and run from any scam that claims to make you rich overnight. You’ll see these scams everywhere… advertised online, on TV, on the radio, in print.
Sadly, many people fall for these scams. Remember P.T. Barnum? (Hint: Circus)
He is known for the famous phrase:
“There’s a sucker born every minute.”
Any reviews or promotions for a product on this or my other site is genuine. I know how hard it is to earn money, and people don't need to be spending money on useless items. I try what I write about or have enough familiarity to offer an honest review. This SBI review is one, because I think some of my puppy buyers, online friends, fellow breeders or others who have some type of passion might benefit. I've also had some people ask me about my website.
I pay full price for this “product and have used it for years. You can hardly call it a product, though. Keep reading.
I want to stress that this SBI review is about is about a real opportunity that is open to anyone no matter their experience or educational level. In fact, one study showed that of the 200 million internet sites now, SBI has hundreds of clients with web traffic in the top 0.5%.
SBI Site BuildIt works great for anyone who would like to have their very own business, prefer to work from home, or want a boost for their off line business. This includes you, fellow breeders!
Let me first explain before I go any further with this SBI review, that you may see different names that all mean basically the same thing: SBI, short for Site Build It, the former name, and Solo Build It, the current name which means that you don’t just build a website but a business. Site Sell is the name of the company. Solopreneur is what we all call ourselves because most of SBI sites are run by one person, but some have a partner. In my case, it is just me.
There are SBI sites covering virtually any niche you can image and those that own them live anywhere in the world. Some sell products or services, others monetize their site through their content.
Many have offline businesses that use their website to gain new customers. It is something that anyone can do as long as they have what SBI calls, BAM—Brains, Attitude, and Motivation.
You may already know me or have read my about me page, but there is so much to say about a company that made my successful online presence a reality. I can never thank this company enough.
Through the myriad products and tools that are provided, I was able to create this site, and my first and larger site, Small Dog Place. Both have been building traffic steadily since they were first brought online.
Many of my puppy buyers tell me I have the perfect job – lots of puppies to cuddle and play with every day, a free schedule where I choose how I spend my days, freedom from daily commutes, and decent pay. They are partially right.
I adore dogs, and puppies make me smile all the time. I love to cuddle and play, but my work is not all fun and games. There is much work that goes into a dog business. Breeding and raising puppies is just half the story, and quite frankly, I came to this business later in life so it may be easier for a younger person. For the first sixty years of my life, I did quite a variety of jobs, but I’ll get to that in a moment.
We moved from Baltimore, MD (where I was born) to Las Vegas, to Washington DC, south to Florida, then west to Denver, Colorado. From there we moved to Ohio, then onward to Texas and finally back to Ohio where we live today. That’s a lot of relocations with three children, and while my husband was building up his reputation and climbing the corporate ladder so to speak, I was tagging along often as a stay at home mom.
I was able to be there for my children and at the same time I was able to dabble in various jobs and educational pursuits. At one location I worked as a Veterinary Technician, at another, I finished a bachelor degree and received my Master's’ degree at still another place. One move prevented me from finishing my PhD, but I don't regret it at all today.
While living in a couple other locations, I offered my services as an in-home child daycare provider and then owned a large child care facility when in Texas. I taught and worked with Special Needs children, Pre-Kindergarten kids, and then as a Counselor/Therapist.
I even worked for a period of time for a company that produced computer software. That was a time when people actually purchased software in the form of disks. My most embarrassing moment on that job was when I had to ask how to turn on a computer. Rather hard to imagine any company would hire a person who couldn’t even find the "on" switch, and I do believe they called them switches back then.
Once we settled in Ohio again, I fell into a deep depression. It was January and very cold. Snow was on the ground, and for the first four weeks in this new location, I never saw the sun. My daughter was very unhappy too, in her new school, and I didn’t know anyone. My husband was busy with his new job, and my two sons were still living in Texas.
Roads were icy, and it was just easier to bundle up inside where it was warm instead of venturing out. You could even turn on all the lights and image it was the sun shining down on you. Or, you could huddle under a blanket with a cup of tea.
As you might guess, I’m not one to just sit around, but I found myself doing just that during that stage of my life. There was plenty to do after a 1400-mile move, but I mostly did nothing but stare at the boxes stacked nearly to the ceiling.
Eventually, I forced myself to settle my family into this new place, but I was still very unhappy, bored, and uncertain of the future.
Normally, I would look for a new job, but something was holding me back. One day while searching the internet for local service providers I ran across a company called Site Build It or SBI for short. As I read through all of the company’s information, my mind began to race. I began to get an idea.
Could I have my own website?
Then, I remembered the disaster of an online business my sister and I had built years earlier.
We started an online business around 2001 that was later abandoned by 2003. It was a total disaster. I knew nothing of the internet, let alone how to build a website or run a business. My sister was set on the two of us writing, publishing, and distributing preschool curriculum packages on the internet. We thought we knew what we were doing, but that turned out to wishful thinking. That company came to an abrupt end when I fought my first round with cancer. Too many surgeries, chemo and radiation left me too exhausted to write another curriculum.
I don’t think I mentioned this job above because I wanted to forget the heartbreak we felt after so much hard work, time, and expense had been spent. But, we had to come to grips with the reality that we knew nothing about running an online business or building a website. We swallowed our losses and moved on. There was one thing I did learn and that was that if I ever started another website, I needed a company that could help me every step of the way. I kept returning to the SBI website.
Could I, the same Janice that didn’t know how to turn on a computer, or failed at creating successful online business years ago, create a successful site now?
I never believe anything at face value until I do my due diligence. I read SBI Reviews and searched their informational pages. I read case studies about successful SBI and real life studies of successful solopreneurs.
It wasn’t around when I first started, but you can now read my own case study here.
There is a lot to absorb. Solo Build It! seemed to have everything I needed to start and run a successful business. This company leaves nothing to chance. Once you see all that they have to offer, I'm betting you will agree.
SBI has so much to offer that it would be impossible to cover it all in this SBI review. These next few tools/services that the company provides are my favorites.
First, A step-by-step "Action Guide" to help me navigate what was needed to start an online business. Since there is so much information and advice out there, this guide was the perfect solution to stay focused on what needed to be done and the order in which it should be completed.
It is broken down into steps that lead you through the process in an orderly and logical progression, so you don’t get ahead of yourself or confused by what needs to be done.
The nice thing about the Action Guide is not a one size fits all. Rather, it is geared to different learning styles. You can read it, watch a video or do it all on your mobile device.
The large collection of tools that are provided by SBI is too extensive to include in this SBI Review, but you can read all about these tools. All are included in the monthly or yearly price.
Beyond the Action Guide, there are so many tools included, but I wanted to tell you about a couple of my favorites.
Brainstorm It is a compressive tool that will help you nail down a site concept and then locate highly profitable ideas for articles. These ideas are called keywords or keyword phrases, such as “Shih Tzu Puppies,” which you might have typed into a search engine to find me.
BB2 and Site Designer are two tools that allow you to design your site and then build each page without knowing any coding that is normally required to build a website. Site Designer has a big choice of templates that are fully customizable even for people like me who are not graphic designers. BB2 stands for Block Build It (Version 2), and that is what I use to build this site without needing any background coding knowledge. You can do just about anything with BB2, but if you want something unique, you can always ask in the Forums.
The forums are my next favorite tool. There are friendly, helpful people in the forums that you can bounce ideas off, or ask a question. I’ve never seen any evidence of competition or criticism in the forums - just like minded people from all over the world who want to help. I was shy at first but am getting much better at asking a question, and if I can answer one, I get very excited. The motto in the forums is, Help and Be Helped.
Support is but an email away. You never wait more than a few hours for an answer, and if you have a problem, they will stay with you until it is resolved. And best of all it is free and included in the yearly price.
If this long SBI review is getting a bit tedious, stop and watch a video.
There are companies (and people) that try to destroy others while deceiving vulnerable people.
When I first started with SBI in 2013, you never heard such terms as “fake news” and “alternate facts,” but this is now, and these terms are the buzz words of the day. Today, we need to be aware of what is real and what is meant to deceive. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. Let me tell you about one such company that came on the radar screen of SBI once fake reviews began to appear.
Don’t be fooled by one of SBI’s closest competitors Wealth Affiliates who are spreading false news.
You can often spot these fake reviews if you search for information about SBI. “The solopreneur believes that s/he is reading a legitimate review. But, S/he is actually entering a Wealthy Affiliate “sales funnel.” Fake reviews are written by people who have no first-hand experience with a product, service or company, and they are going by hearsay.
Ken Evoy (CEO of Site Sell) did an extensive study of Wealth Affiliate and published the results. You can read the Study's Results in its entirety or keep reading for some highlights.
The bottom line from this study is that there are fewer SBI sites, but we have more traffic and more income than the competitors. I thought that was very impressive
The saddest part of this story is how fake news or alternative facts eventually hurt people. People and companies that deceive and lie can’t sustain this behavior. But in the interim, they can cause terrible harm to good honest people. The last thing that people fall for such scams need is to lose their hard-earned money. It is my belief that this is happening now with Wealth Affiliates.
There is a major difference between starting a website and building a business, and that is where SBI outshines the competition. Most hosting companies will provide hosting services, but that’s about it. You pay for all the rest, and those necessary extras can add up in no time.
You will need to pay separately for all the things that you need including a domain name and plug ins. SBI is all inclusive. Anyone can have a website and never earn one penny. If your goal is to earn money online, you will want to check out SBI.
Whether you are a stay at home mom, a retired person or a dog breeder, SBI can help you start a business online and walk you through the process. They provide so much information including their extensive library of Tips and Techniques that covers virtually everything you need to be successful.
Modern breeders and dog business owners need a presence on the web whether to show off their latest wins or brag about a recent championship or simple to sell puppies. Some breeders I talk to say that their website is useless and some even take theirs down after a short time. Why? Because they get no traffic, they don’t know how to build a site, and worse of all they think it is a waste of time.
Instead, breeders advertise their puppies or services on every puppy site, racking up hundreds of dollars each month on advertising fees. Others hop on Facebook a dozen times a day hoping that someone will notice and buy their puppies. I never pay a cent for advertising.
It is very hard to make a website if your expertise falls into another field. Some companies will make you believe that it is simple and anyone can do it in an hour or less. That’s just not so. You can also shell out $$$ to have someone else build it for you. Or you can do like I did, remember the gal that couldn't turn on a computer, and make it all by yourself.
You can purchase SBI by paying monthly or yearly. There is also a money back guarantee. If you would like to learn more about the company, please start here. I hope you found this review helpful and will propel you towards your new online adventure.
Are You Ready for SBI? After reading this SBI review and viewing all the information on the SBI site, are you ready to get started? You can purchase it now.
If you ever want to know more about my experiences, just contact me.
"Hi, I'm Janice Jones, a former veterinary technician and Shih Tzu expert with over 40 years of experience with the breed. Through Miracle Shih Tzu, I combine my medical background and extensive breed knowledge to provide reliable, practical advice for Shih Tzu owners. My mission is to help you give your Shih Tzu the happiest, healthiest life possible through evidence-based information and real-world solutions. Whether you're new to the breed or a seasoned owner, you'll find trusted guidance here for all aspects of Shih Tzu care.
I hold an undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in biology, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing, and a Master's in Mental Health Counseling.